Talent Mobility
“Talent mobility” refers to the movement of employees inside an organization. Historically, internal talent mobility meant planned, linear progression in one direction through a company as employees and their managers created plans for advancement inside a job or function, and then pursued the necessary steps successfully or unsuccessfully based on employee performance and business needs. While this approach is still very common, the disruptions that have occurred in the past few years suggest it’s no longer fit for purpose.
Today, companies like Schneider Electric, Delta, and Unilever are pursuing what we call “agile talent mobility.” In this model, people often work on more than one project at a time, have career coaches who help them develop their careers and learn new skills, and are measured primarily on team and individual performance regardless of location in the company.
Our research shows that fewer than 25% of companies are proficient at establishing a strong culture of talent mobility. Barriers can include inflexible HR processes, cultural and behavioral challenges, and technology, such as a talent marketplace, that supports the flexibility and scalability that organizations need.
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