The Learning and Development SuperClass
The simulation will cover all aspects of a corporate Learning & Development operating model by seeking to align Arrow Care learners’ needs, company financials, organizational goals, and individual departments’ strategic agendas. As a learner, you will take on the role of a Josh Bersin Company consultant and help Arrow Care identify the strategic choices they need to make, help them assess the tradeoffs of their options, and make recommendations for them to consider. You will receive guidance and support from Josh Bersin Company consultants along the way.

Course Snapshot
Course Snapshot
Course Overview
Over the past few years, businesses have experienced significant changes, largely brought on by digitization, evolving customer expectations, industry transformation, and a scarcity of talent. As companies deal with a variety of other business issues, Learning and Development has become an urgent priority.
Employees, managers, and leaders are being forced to learn more often and in new ways. The combination drives L&D organizations to move faster than ever. Extensive Josh Bersin Company research on corporate learning almost always indicates that the ability to adapt to an ever-changing landscape of business and talent priorities is key to L&D’s success.
In this SuperClass, you will learn how to design and implement a new L&D operating model by working through an immersive simulation for a fictional North American pharmaceutical chain, Arrow Care. If you completed the Org Design SuperClass you've already learned a bit about Arrow Care. In this course you'll be working on their L&D model exclusively. You will take a data-driven approach to delivering the initiative based on The Josh Bersin Company Definitive Guide to Corporate Learning.
The simulation will cover all aspects of a corporate Learning & Development operating model by seeking to align it with learners’ needs, company financials, organizational goals, and individual departments’ strategic agendas.
As a learner, you on take the role of a Josh Bersin Company consultant and help Arrow Care identify the strategic choices they need to make, help them assess the tradeoffs of their choices, and make recommendations for them to consider. You will receive guidance and support from other Josh Bersin Company consultants along the way.
Questions You'll Explore:
What are the key considerations when drafting a vision statement?
How do you work with key stakeholders to create a vision statement?
What are the benefits and challenges of different L&D operating models?
How do you manage stakeholder needs to help transition to the new org structure?
How do you structure learning content using the universal learning content taxonomy?
How do you map content to categories to create a taxonomy?
What are the benefits of a content-based governance model?
What is a learning cost model and how do you choose one?
How do you apply the Choices In/Choices Out model?
How do you evaluate the Intake requests to help scope the L&D demand?
What are learning modalities and how do you choose them for a program?
Why is a centralized governance process for intakes important?
Why do organizations need to centralize learning operations?
How do an organization’s accessibility policy and quality assurance process affect learner experience?
How does a well-organized tech stack elevate learner experience?
Why is technology governance key to addressing business needs?
Why is institutionalizing innovation important to improve learning outcomes?
What are standard measurement metrics and who owns internal metrics?
What are the three phases of establishing communication standards?
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Field Manuals
The Learning and Development SuperClass is made up of eight Field Manuals (our version of an online module). Each contains various types of content and social exercises culminating in a mini-project, reflection, or debate. Each Field Manual takes between 30-45 minutes to complete, but you can jump on and off at your own pace, as often as you’d like. Deeper learning happens in the discussions with your fellow learners, so be sure to regularly check in on the conversations.
Field Manual Overview:
30-45 minutes to complete
Bite-sized, easy to read modules for an efficient learning experience.
Self paced
You can jump on and off at your own pace, as often as you'd like.
Engaging learning modules
Each field manual contains different types of content and social exercises, all culminating in a mini-project, reflection, or debate.
Learning Strategy & Vision
Understanding the challenges L&D faces today and the project at hand will instantly immerse you in this simulation. This Field Manual provides you with an overview of Arrow Care’s current L&D landscape and business operations. You will partner with Arrow Care’s stakeholders to create a vision statement and define the future of Arrow Care’s L&D Organization.
What are the changes the corporate learning market faces today?
Who are the key stakeholders in Arrow Care’s L&D Organization?
Why is a vision statement important?
What are the key considerations to draft a vision Statement?
Learning & Development Organizational Structures
This Field Manual introduces you to the three common Learning & Development organizational structures and the challenges Arrow Care’s L&D Organization faces in transitioning to a new org structure.
What are the three common organization structures?
What are the benefits and challenges of the three organization structures?
How do you manage stakeholder needs to help transition to a new org structure?
Learning Content Taxomony
Learning content taxonomy classifies content and helps organize team activities. This Field Manual explores a universal learning content taxonomy and its applications. It offers an opportunity to define types of learning content, create a content taxonomy, and understand a content-based governance model.
What is a universal learning content taxonomy?
In what ways does a content taxonomy help structure learning content?
How do you map content to categories to a content taxonomy?
What are the benefits of a content-based governance model?
Learning Cost Model
There are several types of Learning Cost Models and they each offer a series of choices. In this Field Manual, you will find Arrow Care’s optimal cost model and funding options. You’ll consider how to build flexibility in the L&D team and balance the needs of the organization with the demands of the different areas of the business.
What is a learning cost model?
How do you choose a cost model?
How to apply the Choices In/Choices Out model?
Learning Solutions
Scoping learning demand in an organization is key to managing the intake requests effectively and choosing the right solution for the business challenge at hand. In this Field Manual, you will examine how learning is scoped from intake request, to design, and all the way through governance.
What is the intake process and how does it help scope the L&D demand?
How do you evaluate intake requests?
What are learning modalities?
How do you choose learning modalities for a program?
Why is a centralized governance process for intakes important?
Learning Operations & Services
In this Field Manual, you will gain an understanding of how work transitions from learning solutions teams to learning services teams within an L&D organization. You will also work through accessibility concerns, quality assurance processes, and program inventory challenges.
How do Learning Solutions and Learning Services work together?
Why do organizations need to centralize learning operations?
How do an organization’s accessibility policy and quality assurance process affect learners’ experience?
What is program inventory?
Learning Technology
In this Field Manual, you will examine how to select the right learning technology architecture for Arrow Care’s unique needs. Through this process, you will define a governance process to encourage innovation and improve learning outcomes.
How does a well-organized tech stack elevate learner experience?
How do you create a system architecture view and a learner experience view?
Why is technology governance key to addressing business needs?
Why is institutionalizing innovation important to improving learning outcomes?
Learning Measurement
Many organizations still experience a significant gap in their learning measurement process. This Field Manual covers how learning measurement uses data to build capacity for an L&D function.
How do you define measurement standards?
What are the standard measurement metrics?
What is a learning measurement dashboard?
Who owns the internal metrics?
What are the three phases of establishing metrics communication standards?
Field Manual Overview:
30-45 minutes to complete
Bite-sized, easy to read modules for an efficient learning experience.
Self paced
You can jump on and off at your own pace, as often as you'd like.
Engaging learning modules
Each field manual contains different types of content and social exercises, all culminating in a mini-project, reflection, or debate.
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